Meditation journal (9/17 – 9/22)

With only a few weeks left for the mental training aspect of my DP studies, I thought I’d mix it up and attempt some mental training methods I haven’t tried before. I’d like to do some advanced TP meditations, with the advanced portion coming from a more specific visualization based on symbols from my chosen hearth culture. I’d also like to include some prayer into the mix, as that is another avenue I’d like to explore, as well as continue to do my devotionals once a week. Finally, I’d like to do a oracle meditation where I draw a rune for advice on the coming week and meditate on the rune itself. I may try to slip in a more advanced form of trance in the “Passing the Mists” exercise, but we’ll see if I can allot the time and privacy for that. Also, there’s a new symbol next to one of the prayers that is (R). This means “room,” and denotes a mental training activity I choose to do in my bedroom when I’m unable to go before my shrine or head outdoors.

9/17 – Advanced TP (S)

For this TP meditation, I used some Norse-influence imagery provided to me by my mentor Jeremy. Although using the more complex imagery will take a little bit to get used to, I really enjoyed it. The goal here is to not only personalize my TP experience according to my hearth culture, but to increase my connection to it as well. I think I’m off to a good start, as the vision felt natural to me.

9/18 – Prayer (N)

When giving my offering to Nerthus and the land wights in the thicket I said a prayer to both of them. The results are in my week 29 DP journal post:

“I went to the thicket to give my offerings, but instead of saying a few words and giving my offerings, I did two spontaneous prayer of praise. One prayer was for Nerthus, and the other prayer was for the land wights. I spoke from my heart, calling to them to accept my offerings and praising them for all that they provide. The birds in the nests above my fluttered in response. These prayers really helped me focus on both the Earth Mother and the land wights. In a way, the prayers were like a sword cutting through my busy mind so that my attention was on them. The prayer also had the effect of heightening my awareness of the land wights and Nerthus for the duration of the trip. Indeed, I felt the buzzing energies of the forest around me, with the land wights and the Earth Mother at the top of my awareness.”

9/22 – Prayer (R)

I did a morning prayer and I spoke the words without a script, but from the heart instead. I started with some deep breathing to help me focus before the actual prayer, which helped do just that. I asked the Three Kindreds to be with me through this day as they are with me at my shrine during ritual, and I also asked the Earth Mother to uphold me during the day as well. Although I stumbled over and paused in search of words because the prayer was spontaneous, I really enjoy this focused communication with the Kindreds. When life gets hectic, I tend to get caught up in my own head and lose sight of the Kindreds. Prayer helps me to remain aware of their presence in my life.

I didn’t get to all of the mental training exercises I wanted to this week because it’s been a chaotic week in terms of some family issues. Since I did a High Day ritual this week, I also decided to pass on the devotional. I did what I could and sometimes that’s all you can really do. That being said, this coming week looks better and I’m excited to be trying some new things.

I want to make a correction to something I wrote last week. I mentioned that the TP meditation seems to work best for me in liminal times, like dawn or dusk, because one power doesn’t hold too much sway over the other. The more I think about this, the more it seems that I’m limiting myself too much in this area. The TP meditation can be effective at any time of the day, I may just have to switch the visualization up. For instance during the day, the sun can easily be used as the sky power, but in the evening or at night it’s also possible to use a star to signify the sky power. This way I can be flexible and have a visualization that works for me.

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